Thursday, January 26, 2012

Holiday @ Lost World of Tambun (Ipoh, Perak)

Haluuuu.....ape kabar?? sihat? alhamdulillah syukur....
Sambil2 tgh mkn kuey teow goreng yg dbli kt cafe office nih, nakla share sket about our family holiday kat Lost World of Tambun aritu. & kalau sape2 yg belum pernah smpai sane lgi, Lost World of Tambun ni lokasinya dekat Ipoh, Perak ataupun dengan lebih tepat lagi kat area Sunway Ipoh. Tis place ade Waterpark, Amusement Part ngan Lost World Spring & Spa. Sekali pergi sure nak repeat balik, hahahaha....

Mase pegi hari tu co-incidently public oliday, humanghai....punyelah ramai umat, smpai nk bli tiket masuk pon mengalahkan org nk bli tiket bola!! rasenye mau jgak lah 2-3 kali exchange ngan husband utk Q (sbb lame bediri!!). Klau x silap, kitrorang beratur almost 1 hour hanya nk bli tiket jek! Akhirnya, masok gakkk setelah mendapat wristband. Haaaa korang penin x?? sekejap citer tiket, sekejap citer wristband mne satu nih? hehehehe, sebenanya biler kiter nk bli tiket tu, kiter akan dapat wristband cam ala2 tiket gak. Siap ade utk dewasa ngan kanak2 lagi. Akhirnya masok sudaaa...tepalanjat makcik! x kusangka baik kt luar yg msih Q tuk bli tiket maupun yg dh selamat masok same je ramainya.....public oliday la katakan..

Wristband da pakai, now kene carik tmpat tok placing plak!! tu pon hal, sbb da ramai sgt visitor, tepakselah carik placing kat bwh2 pokok mne yg dipikirkan sesuai gitew...setelah bejumpa dgn lokasi yg agak2 strategik my kids ngan ayahnya pegilah tukar baju & sapu sun block...(nk main ayor le katekann) pastu kiter apelagi kiter serangggggg....bwklah si ayah ni ngan anak2 nye pegi mandi meninggalkan si ibu yang sesorang ni tok jaga barang2...huaaaaaa......(x de la smpai nangis) hehehe. Takpelah, kasi can sket kat ayah ngan anak2nya men ayorr..(we spent almost 4 hours). Depa try sume type of waterpark kat situ.

1 lagi, kt situ pon ade Zoo tau, tpi bukan Zoo Negara ekk, dia panggil Petting Zoo. There's a chance one of the world 's most beautiful wild animals just as they would be in their natural enviroment. Traniners and keepers will treat adventurers to a wonderfull hands-on display & information session. Senang citer, mmg bestlah!!. Dan sape2 yg rase nk berendam dlm air panas plak (bukan hot boiling water ekk) ni namenye Lost World Hot Spring & Spa. Ianya betol2 natural mineral hot spring. Manyak syiokkk....hehehe

I tak story lagi kan about wristband tuh! Wristband tu pon ade story gak taw, kiter boleh reload duit dlm wristband tu. Haaa....kelassss kan! kelebihannya kiter x perlu nk beratur panjang nk bli makan @ minum, just reload kan duit kat mesin dgn bantuan staf2 yg jga mesin tu and walahhhh tuju je mne2 gerai kt cafe, scan, choose food or drinks & go! So EASY...

p/s : Ni I ade add a few pics taken & for all the viewers, ur discretion are advised ekk..hehehe...enjoy!!

- nak balik dahh -

- main attraction (tank full with water & menunggu masa je nk melimpah) -

- still waiting the water tank to overflow -

- liltle baby with his ayah & sister -

Friday, January 20, 2012

Long Weekend ♥♥♥

Hihihi....long holiday this weekend since CNY is just around the corner. Ape plan u guys cuti nanti?? Adakah melawat kengkawan yg berbangsa budha?, Adakah menghabiskan duit poket yg ade utk bershopping?, Adakah u alls pergi bercuti?, ataupun lepak king dengan family atau kengkawan masing2? haaaaa....cer pikior jap!!! wat ever activities yg u alls nk buat bear in mind be safe ekk...ari ni Threesixty dpt a few kwn baru yg follow my blog, thank u so much. Memandangkn Threesixty baru pandai2 nk berblogging nih (naik semangat I taw!!)!! Ala2 baru mencarik tapak dalam duniya BLOGGER...buleh!!

Untuk info dari bloggers kt luar sane, Nor Nadiah i.e. ada share some of usefull tips for bloggers like me utk tahu do's & dont's dlm berblogging. Thanks Nor Nadiah!! (p/s if there's any other info kindly share again taw!!....

Oklah, that's all for now. Hope to here me again in my next entry....Last but not least "HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!) we'll see u next week wit other entries that happen during this long oliday.....

Adios amigosss......  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

10,000 Steps A Day

Threesixty copy link ni dari Nuffnangs, just to share about walking are one of the idea to get healthy...(read pleaseee)...

We’re not sure how many of you Nuffnangers exercise on a regular basis (we Nuffies sure don’t do it regularly enough :P) but we’re sure you must walk to get around. We don’t have hovercrafts or moving travelators like in the Jetsons. Most of us have to do it Flintstones style. YABADABADOO!
Here’s a fun fact about walking: 40 years ago, the Japanese people came up with a brilliant idea that walking 10,000 steps a day will help you keep fit and healthy without the need for additional exercise. What this means is that between the first few sleepy steps to the bathroom in the morning, to the tired slump as we crawl into bed at night, we should have walked 10,000 steps.
If you’re good in Math, you might have calculated that 10,000 steps is roughly about 8 kilometres. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Walking is in itself quite difficult and to walk 8km a day, WHEW! Just reading that makes a person feel tired! :P
But how about if we turn 10,000 steps into time? Using Math (again), we calculated that if you walk one kilometre in about 12 minutes at a decent pace, we could easily walk a bit slower and still do a kilometre in 15 minutes. So, by using this calculation, you could walk the whole 10,000 steps within 2 hours! That makes it sound so much easier, right? :D
But wait, there’s even better news! Since we have to walk to move around, most of us walk around 4,000-6,000 steps a day without even thinking about it. Even the laziest of us who sit at desk all day (like us Nuffies) do around 2,000. One thing’s for sure; you won’t know how many extra steps you should be taking, unless you know how many you’re already walking.
If you think you’re a few steps short of 10,000, try the following list to help you fulfill your quota of steps:
• Park at the far end of the car park
• Don’t go round the shopping centre or supermarket in a logical order, you’ll be amazed how far you can walk going back and forth
• Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator
• Give the dog an extra 5 minutes on his walk
• Stop emailing colleagues in the same office, instead go over and talk to them (how we wish we could do this at our Nuffnang office…)
• Go for a walk during your lunch break, walk to get your lunch or to find somewhere to eat your lunch
• Get up and do something, run up and down the stairs, for example during TV ads
• Walk to the corner shop instead of driving or popping in on your way home
• Get friends and family out of the house for a long, long walk
Okay. Now that you’ve reached the end of this post, please stand up and go take a long walk at your local park, or even a shopping mall. Like Confucius once said, 10,000 steps begins with a single step. Okay, we may have paraphrased a little. So, work those legs and walk, walk, walk! For more information about walking 10,000 steps a day, do visit
Happy walking

New Year & C.N.Y 2012

"Selamat Tahun Baru 2012"

As-Salam, Salam 1 Malaysia & Salam kpd bloggers2. Dah lama rasanya Threesixty tak update blog. Maklumlah sibuk menguruskan anak-anak yg masuk sekolah dan suami (hehehe...alasan jek!!). Rasa masih belum terlambat lagi untuk Threesixty wish all bloggers out there "Happy New Year 2012". Moga2 dengan kedatangan tahun baru ni segala apa yg diimpikan yg tak berapa nak tercapai last year tu, dapatlah di perolehi pada tahun ni. Insyaallah...

Azam Threesixty untuk tahun ni adalah to loose weight. Hahahaha...agak2 berjaya tak? Azam mesti kuat! Nak dengan tidak je, kan! Lagi azam Threesixty adalah untuk kumpul duit banyak2...(cam klise jek statement tuh!)...insyaallah dengan izin-Nya segala urusan dipermudahkan.

"Gong Xi Fa Cai"


Oklah memandang entry kali ni very close to "Chinese New Year", Threesixty nk ucapkan kepada bloggers2 yg beragama budha a very "Happy Chinese New Year" since this year is a Dragon Year. Semoga Tahun Naga ni mendatangkan "Ong" kepada bussinessman/businesswoman out there and a healthy life ahead...